Blog Culture

Li Yu: A Tragic King and Talented Poet

In this post, I am going to talk about another famous Chinese person: 李煜 ( lǐ yù ), who was born to be a king but he was a great poet instead.

Blog Opinions

Bilingual. Trilingual. How Many Languages Are Enough?

The world is changing. These days, more and more parents are interested in raising bilingual and even trilingual children.

Some parents are more ambitious. They wish their children learn as many languages as possible.

Blog Opinions

How to Set Up a Playdate for Learning Mandarin Chinese

If you are my reader for some time, you might know, I mentioned several times in my different posts that a playdate is a nice way to help your kid’s Mandarin Chinese learning.

Blog Culture

How Chinese Parents Educate Children? These Sayings Are the Answer.

Asian Chinese children are well known to have excellent academic performance. To be honest, it is not true all the time. However, many Chinese parents do follow ancient Chinese wisdom to raise their children.

In this post, I will explain some Chinese sayings related with parenting to give you a glimpse about how Chinese parents think about education and how we educate our children.

Blog Culture

Chinese Tang Poem: The House in the Bamboo

In this post, we are going to learn another Chinese tang poem by a very famous poet and politician Wang, Wei.

Wang, Wei was a very talented person. He was good at a lot of fields including music, drawing and writing etc.